About Us

About Us
About Us

British Security Circles Group was established to enable users to keep up with the rapid advancement of network technology and World Wide Web. The institution has been contributing to the rehabilitation of large segments of various communities since the beginning and continues to do so. A major objective of our organization is to educate the public about the safe use of the World Wide Web (Internet), and in particular, social networking sites in their various forms.

  • Our Experience
  • Why US
  • Our Principles

A number of distinguished institutions in a number of countries have invited our institution to arrange specialized scientific seminars and advisory activities, including: UK, Georgia, UAE, KSA, Jordan, Turkey, Morocco, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and Iraq. These activities have included

  • scientific seminars
  • lectures, specialized advisory services, and specialized software applications
  • we offer technical solutions tailored specifically to meet the needs of those institutions
  • enhance the security level performance of the staff and to use necessary and essential techniques

As a result of a research study conducted by a group of cybersecurity professionals, we have developed a distinguished curriculum , There is an electronic platform associated with this curriculum that contains all the modern specifications

  • There is an electronic platform associated with this curriculum that contains all the modern specifications
  • This curriculum contains a variety of educational videos as well as practical exercises that simulate real-life situations
  • Through interactive steps, students are taught how to use modern communication technologies and the Internet safely.
  • We provide trainings specifically designed for parents (parents), in order to prepare them to assist their children and to protect them from the risk of electronic hacking and electronic extortion.

  • Excellence in Performance
  • Responsibility towards Society
  • Modernity
Our Target


Conduct research on different categories of society and its institutions in order to identify the needs of the local community in terms of safe Internet and electronic communication use.


Provide the necessary and appropriate scientific seminars for each category of study groups so that the community is aware and prepared to deal with the rapid increase in electronic communications.


Enhance the efficiency of the electronic state institutions by raising the level of readiness of the staff to deal with the accelerated development of electronic technology.


In order to shape the future of the next generation, students must be prepared to use communication methods and electronic processes safely.


Provide consulting services in information security to the institutions in order to build an impregnable fortress


Develop skills in dealing with new types of electronic crimes among employees of the judicial and security corps.

Our missin & Vision


"Security Circles for Consulting in Telecommunication and Information Technology Institution aims to be one of the main references in electronic security in the region".


"To bring awareness to the community and raise the level of efficiency in electronics security, and to provide the necessary consulting".

What our customers say

Copyright 2022 Security Circles. Developed By Enad abuzaid