Course Details

Fake Website

Fake Website

Members' Expected Outcomes:

  • Identify the different forms of internet viruses
  • Identify the types of fake websites
  • Identify the procedures and practical means to avoid falling into a fake websites


  • 1 day

Related Course

course outline

The Need for Training

  • Use of the Internet has become something irreplaceable in such a world in which technology has become one of the most important elements to keep continuation
  • They have been exploiting this need among different segments of society badly exploited by electronic criminals.
  • Fraudulent sites has spread, aim to steal and exploit the users' privacy and rights. Therefore, there is a need to educate the community and guiding them in appropriate ways to browse the electronic security to avoid falling into these fake websites.


  • Participants are not required to be familiar with computer.

Targeted Categories

  • All users of Internet and smart devices

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