teachers Survey

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1/40Please fill with your details

knowledge level

2/40What do you know about operating systems?

knowledge level

3/40Do you how to update the operating system?

knowledge level

4/40Do you know the importance of updating your operating system?

knowledge level

5/40Do you know how to determine what operating system your mobile device is running?

knowledge level

6/40Do you know that there are numerous fake websites designed to steal your passwords? 

knowledge level

7/40Do you use one password for all of your accounts? 

knowledge level

8/40Did you know that there are requirements for building a password? 

knowledge level

9/40Do you know how to build a strong password? 

knowledge level

10/40Do you know the ways to check password strength? 

knowledge level

11/40Do you know how to set a new password on your mobile device? 

knowledge level

12/40Can you detect electronic hacking of your device? 

knowledge level

13/40Can you terminate the electronic hacking that your device has been exposed to, if any? 

knowledge level

14/40Do you know what the electronic penetration is?

knowledge level

15/40Do you know that a breach in the device's performance can be detected by certain indicators? 

knowledge level

16/40Do you have any experience with early intrusion detection software?

knowledge level

17/40Do you know how to stop downloading programs on your device automatically? 

knowledge level

18/40Do you know what the Frightening Permissions are? 

knowledge level

19/40Do you know how these permissions can affect your privacy?

knowledge level

20/40Are you aware of how to update the permissions of the applications?

knowledge level

21/40Can you control the permissions granted to applications? 

knowledge level

22/40Do you know what phishing is? 

knowledge level

23/40Can you spot fake links? 

knowledge level

24/40Do you know the specifications of the safe website?

Follow up on the performance of the children

25/40Are you aware of programs that allow you to monitor your children's use of mobile devices and social networking sites?

Follow up on the performance of the children

26/40Do you have experience with following up on your children's electronic devices?

Follow up on the performance of the children

27/40Do you have experience controlling your children's devices remotely?

Follow up on the performance of the children

28/40Are you able to determine what type of content appears on the devices of your children?

Educational Guidance

29/40Are you advising your children periodically about your experiences with the Internet and social networking sites?

Educational Guidance

30/40Would you agree that rehabilitating children with the safe use of smart devices is a necessity that needs to be addressed urgently?

Educational Guidance

31/40Do you think that you have the ability and enough knowledge to guide your children and protect them from electronic danger?

Educational Guidance

32/40Do you find that you are able to control your children's use of their devices during the day?

Educational Guidance

33/40Do you think that the teachers need to be trained in the safe use of social networking sites and the Internet?

Role of the educational institution

34/40Do you agree that the role of the educational institution is very important in protecting students from electronic extortion?

Role of the educational institution

35/40Do you find students need rehabilitation and development in how to use the modern devices safely?

Role of the educational institution

36/40Does the institution have a special section for following up on cyber security breaches?

Role of the educational institution

37/40is there a committee for electronic security in your institution?

Role of the educational institution

38/40Does the institution have awareness programs for students in the field of cyber Security

Role of the educational institution

39/40Does the educational institution follow procedures to protect students from the risk of electronic hacking?


if are you sure from your answer click Submit